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Mrs. Dana Hannett

Photo of Dana Hannett

Grade 5

Phone: (403) 886-4390

Hello Penhold Panther Families! I am so happy to be in my 8th year at Penhold Elementary School teaching grade five. I grew up in a small town in New Brunswick just outside of Saint John. I received my Bachelor Of Physical Education degree from Acadia University in Nova Scotia in 1995 where I was also fortunate enough to play volleyball. I moved to Red Deer the following year. I have been with Chinooks Edge School Division since making the big move to the West. This is my 25th year! I currently teach my homeroom Language Arts, Science and Physical Education. I also get to teach science and some Physical Education to Miss. Wiggins' and Mrs. Johnson’s classes. 

I live in Red Deer with my husband and we have two amazing daughters, Rhyen (18), and Corey (17). Our biggest joy is watching our girls play volleyball and making new friends each year. When I am not in the gym watching the girls, I still love playing volleyball! My husband and I enjoy spending time with friends and family, golfing, and hiking,  

I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in grade five!  I really enjoy making connections, building relationships, and helping people however I can. It is a privilege to get to work in such an amazing community doing what I love.

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