Please see the letter that was sent home to parents on April 28th, 2023 about the upcoming PAT exams.
Please see the letter that was sent home to parents on April 28th, 2023 about the upcoming PAT exams.
PAT's or Provincial Achievement Tests, are yearly exams that the Government of Alberta distribute to all grade 6 students in Alberta. The purpose of these exams are to determine if students are learning what they are intended to learn set out by the Grade 6 program of studies. Alberta Education does this check in, through PAT's and Diploma exams, every three years starting in Grade 6.
Our teachers do spend time preparing for these exams. Grade 6 PAT's do not impact a students mark. They are a good opportunity for students to learn, through the support of their classroom teachers, skills needed to prepare for larger exams. Grade 6 PAT's involve 6 exams of differing lengths. Students are tested in writing, reading comprehension, mathematical basic calculations, applied math, science and social. Throughout the year, Grade 6 students are able to practice PAT formatted questions constantly so they are prepared ahead of time. In June, teachers also walk kids through practice PAT's so they can see the format and length they should expect. Each PAT is on a different day that is pre-set by Alberta Education. Teachers are able to mark each test and will communicate marks with parents through Power School. The following fall, Alberta Education will create and release scores that will be sent home with your child.
We encourage families to talk to their children about PAT's. These exams can create some anxiety however, once students understand that these tests do not impact their marks or classes in the following year, these tests can be a great first exposure to important exams.
PAT dates are shared on our school calendar page.
If you have further questions about PAT's, please reach out to your child's teacher or school administration.
Transitioning to the next grade can be an exciting time for students. However, for students moving to another building, it can also be a stressful time.
To help support our students with this, we have a number of things planned over the next few months.
1) Penhold Crossing Administrators will come to our school to introduce themselves to the students and share with the kids things they can expect when they move over to Penhold Crossing.
2) Students will go over to Penhold Crossing with their homeroom teacher to have a tour of the school in June.
3) Penhold Crossing hosts an open house in late May/early June. This is held in the evening and intended for parents and students to come and see the building and meet the staff.
4) Our Family School Wellness Worker will be going into each of our Grade 6 classes in early June to talk with our classes about feeling anxious about going to a new building and how to manage that.
5) Our teachers will hold conversations as they arise with students and/or classes to answer any questions the students may have about what Grade 7 will be like.
We will be so sad to see our Grade 6's move onto another building however we know they will thrive and feel like Penhold Crossing is home in no time.
If you have further questions about transitioning, please reach out to your child's teacher or the office.
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Important information about changes to the school day as a result of inclement weather from Chinook's Edge School Division.
General online registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open!