Please see the following document to see how to access report cards (Gr 5 & Gr 6) through our Power School Portal. If you are having issues, please contact the office @ (403)886-4390.
Parent Portal Report Cards Gr 5 12
Please see the following document to see how to access report cards (Gr 5 & Gr 6) through our Power School Portal. If you are having issues, please contact the office @ (403)886-4390.
Parent Portal Report Cards Gr 5 12
This year, CESD is transitioning to two reporting periods for our K to Grade 12 students. Parents can expect to see report cards K-12 at the end of January and the end of June.
Parents can still access their child's progress either via Power School (Gr 5/6), agenda or other messaging systems set up by classroom teachers, as well as emails and phone calls. Our goal is to ensure parents feel that they are well informed about their child's progress between reporting periods. If you are concerned about how your child is doing, or have questions about your childs progress, please reach out to your child's teacher right away.
We will continue to have two parents teacher interview nights in the school year. These connection points are an opportunity for parents to gain a deeper understanding on how their child progresses both academically and socially emotionally in the classroom.
Please feel free to contact administration if you have any questions about this change in reporting.
If you need assistance accessing your child's digital report card or accessing their online marks (Gr 5/6), please contact the office.
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Up to date information on delays or cancelled buses.
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Important information about changes to the school day as a result of inclement weather from Chinook's Edge School Division.
General online registration for the 2022-2023 school year is now open!